Data Extraction

A guide to automating data capture from reports, payroll or any other HR-related document into actionable format

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A guide to automating data capture from reports, payroll or any other HR-related document into actionable format

Documents act as proof of records and help to keep track of all the official activities of the company. HR Documents are vital to ensure the smooth working of business administration and a stable Internal Control System. They function to record all the transactions and activities revolving around the organizational needs.

HR has to parse enormous amounts of documents on a daily basis. From the onboarding procedure to the exit process, even today, in most organizations,  HR manually handles all of them, which is tedious. A proficient documentation process is the foundation of a successful business.

In today’s dynamic business world, filing and archiving official documents in the digital form makes it handy, and works wonders in the future or in unforeseen circumstances. Thus, there is a need for an effective tool to convert these documents into an actionable format for organized storage and retrieval.

There are several documents that HR has to deal with and, so are challenges with each of them:

Challenges: The significant drawback of manually processing information is that it is a challenging task, and takes a great deal of time and energy of the HR or candidate. As there are a huge volume of papers, this can cause bottlenecks, delays in responding and inefficiencies. Most documents are usually scanned to PDF files and uploaded into the system. Thus, classification and searching of right content in the documents within the system turns out to be a challenging task

Solution: Digitization of documents is a strategic endeavour that is necessary to tackle such issues. Docsumo provides automated document processing that ultimately results in digitized and streamlined document handling.  With the help of advanced OCR technology and computer vision, it has facilitated automatic type detection and indexing based on their structure and content.

For example:

  • Performance reports and employee records comprise complex data and need to be structured into business ready data, which is ultimately integrated into the workflows of the organization.
  • Resumes are separated by keywords and sorted accordingly. Next, they are recognized and validated by specifying document types and attributes. Using Docsumo you can design a system for searching desirable candidate profiles from resumes. Docsumo has various pre-built tools that allow it to create and define information architectures that can be used for similar documents.
  • In payrolls, the information of a candidate can be validated with a click rather than manual extraction of the same. Also, digitization can create a centralized system, with more effectiveness to access and take up less storage in the database.

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Extract data from complex documents & cut costs by 80% with AI data extraction.

How to use Docsumo tool to automate data capture from Payroll:

1. Login or Sign up

Sign up to avail benefits of processing 50 documents for free.  These documents include payroll, resumes, job descriptions etc. The interactive UI makes it easy to understand the various features of Docsumo.

Docsumo Login

2. Upload documents

After signing up, upload or drag the document to the portal. Docsumo is built with advanced OCR technology to extract the data from PDF format as well as from images of various file types.

Upload documents

3. Review the extracted entries

Docsumo intelligently extracts the key value pair. If there are any irrelevant key value pairs, Docsumo has a feature to edit it. Additionally, you can add a new key value pair manually if needed so that the algorithm learns the manual mapping and provides more accurate results for processing similar documents in future.

Review extracted fields

zonal ocr

4.  Validate data

Docsumo automatically assigns the right data type in fields after extracting data. This is done using advanced deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. If an invalid data in a field is extracted, it will immediately be highlighted as an alert to the user.

zonal ocr

5.  Approve or discard the suggestions

Entering the values from scratch is a more tedious task than editing the values suggested by and intelligent system. To save the suggestion, click approve. In Docsumo, you have an option to approve or discard the automatically extracted key value pairs from the documents.

data validation

6.  Download the extracted data

You can directly consume the data from the document. The information consumed by the software can be directly stored in the company records or database thereby eliminating the manual addition of the data into the systems.

download extracted data

7.  Multiple document processing

A major highlight of Docsumo is the ability to process multiple documents in the same document type at once by selecting the similar documents and uploading regardless of the format.

 Multiple document processing

Docsumo efficiently converts multiple documents with 95% accuracy in less than a minute. Upload the document, select the data or design it yourself, Docsumo facilitates process efficiency using its interactive UI.  We at Docsumo are here for you to simplify processing of large volumes of your HR Documents.

To know more about the features of Docsumo, contact us and request a free demo today!

Suggested Case Study
Automating Portfolio Management for Westland Real Estate Group
The portfolio includes 14,000 units across all divisions across Los Angeles County, Orange County, and Inland Empire.
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Rushabh Sheth
Written by
Rushabh Sheth

Co-founder & CEO of Docsumo, Rushabh is passionate about improving people's lives through AI & automation. Over the last 10 years, he has worked around the globe in data science consulting, e-commerce, classifieds and document analytics.

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